Welcome to the online home for the
Big Ten Academic Alliance Music Education Peer Group.

The Big Ten Academic Alliance is the nation’s preeminent model for effective collaboration among research universities. For more than half a century, these world-class institutions have advanced their academic missions, generated unique opportunities for students and faculty, and served the common good by sharing expertise, leveraging campus resources, and collaborating on innovative programs. Governed and funded by the Provosts of the member universities, Big Ten Academic Alliance mandates are coordinated by a staff from its Champaign, Illinois headquarters. - From btaa.org/about

The institutions of the Big Ten Academic Alliance have very active Music Education departments full of undergraduate and graduate students. For over forty years, the faculty and Ph.D. students in the Big Ten Academic Alliance music education peer group have gathered for a conference (upcoming and past conference information is all housed on this site). It is always exciting to discuss research, network with new friends, and tease each other about football.

The Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions with Music Education programs are as follows. Click a name to visit that institution's Music Education page. And please see the "Contact" page for two other ways to stay in touch with these colleagues and learn about upcoming events.

This site is managed by a different institution each year. If you have updates or suggestions for changes please use the "Contact" form to ensure your comments get to the current webmaster. Thank you!